China - Italy Chamber of Commerce Organisation Introduction The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) is a private, voluntary, not-for-profit organization registered in 1991 and composed of Italian juridical and physical persons. Its Members include the major Italian industrial groups, banks, legal offices and transport companies, as well as many small and medium enterprises. The CICC regularly informs its Members on the Chinese economy and on the business environment in China and provides advice and support whenever required by its Associates. It also organizes meetings of its Members with prominent guests from Italy and leading Chinese Government officials and economists. The CICC liaises with the Embassy of Italy to co-ordinate and implement programs of common interest. The CICC, as a Member of the European Chamber of Commerce in China (EUCCC), is actively supporting the EUCCC in its role as a representative of European business interests with the Chinese Government authorities and other institutions. Chamber Offices and Board of Directors Following the growth in number of Italian companies opening new businesses or branches here in China, our chamber has deployed three offices, being now present in Beijing, with the headquarters, in Shanghai and in Guangzhou. In this way, more than ever we are able to stay in touch with the vast majority of our members, which are mainly based in these three areas. The CICC strategic direction is managed by the Board of Directors, which is elected by the assembly of all the chamber’s members and includes: the Chairman of the Board, the three vice-chairmen, one for each office, and a treasurer. Moreover, the Secretary General, manages the activities of the Chamber in all its branches, and implements all the directives issued by the Board of Directors. Activities In our years of presence here in China we have continuously widened our offer of services and the number of events we organize. - We give support to our members in dealing with Chinese regulations; - we serve as informative hub, distributing information about different Chinese markets and showcasing opportunities; - we help our members in forming and maintaining their networks, organizing events and holding seminars; - we help Chinese and Italian delegations reach their counterparts in the other country by providing organization services and easing the visa application process for Chinese companies coming to Italy, through our Business Fast Track Visa program that the Italian Embassy grants our members. Camera di Commercio Italiana in Cina China - Italy Chamber of Commerce Partners The CICC cooperates with the Chambers of Commerce in Italy and with their offices for the Internationalization through desks located in the CICC offices in China. The partnership ensures the constant assistance of personnel hired in China to carry on valuable services as, just to mention some of them, organization of activities such as the delegation of companies and promotional events, or offers of entry market support services and informative services. The desks also act as a reference for Chinese entrepreneurs and for associations wishing to establish business relations with Italy. Institutional Partners The CICC also cooperates with a number of Institutional Partners, such as Assocamerestero, the network of the Italian Chambers of Commerce abroad, Invitalia, the Italian agency for foreign investments, the MAE Regioni-Cina program, and Unioncamere, the public entity representing the interests of all the Italian Chambers of Commerce in Italy. These collaborations are aimed at maintaining a cohesive system and a worldwide network, creating new opportunities for both CICC and its Members. CICC maintains a very close cooperation with the 65 Italian Chambers in the world; especially, activities are co-ordinated with the Italian Chambers of Commerce in Asia, in South Africa and in the Pacific. |