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2011年09月21日    来源:北京国际商会




本会会员来自中国大陆、港澳台和其他国家,会员中有各行各业的成功企业家、博士和硕士等高级技术人才。加拿大中国商会每年都积极参加主办或协办各类大型的国际、国家、省、市和社区的商务、技术、文化和教育交流活动,并邀请和接待来自中国的政府和商务高级和地方代表团,为加中两国之间开展经贸、投资、教育和技术交流及合作起到了卓有成效的作用。对于社区的文化,慈善活动,商会和会员12年来一直大力支持。成功举办中国残疾人艺术团千手观音演出;“同一首歌走进温哥华”文艺晚会;中央电视台和加拿大国家电视台CBC联合筹备的“中加手拉手庆奥运”大型综艺晚会;北京友谊歌舞团的《红楼梦》在温哥华演出。自首届“温哥华春节晚会“至今曾任执行主席和共同主席单位;各种商务论坛会如在五帆酒店举办的商会十周年投资洽谈会等;2008年温哥华大型彩灯节;万国广场和大温地区各大学同学会主办的“这个冬天不太冷”元旦晚会的名誉主席单位;和本地其他商会的合作及联系如加拿大法国商会座谈;和意大利商会出版中国专刊;参与波兰社区庆祝活动等等。本地如Thomson River森林大火,南亚海啸,国内一些天灾,商会及会员大力捐献,如四川地震后,商会和理事们捐出八十多万加元现金和帐篷;商会和会员对社区的防癌协会,医院基金会等也尽力提供帮助。商会日常工作主要是支持帮助会员尽快融入本地商圈,帮助解决出现问题,鼓励与中国的项目合作,协调会员的双边贸易,投资合作。


Introduction of CCBA
Canada-China Business Association (CCBA) is a non-profit and non-political membership society established in 1997 for Canadian business people conducting business with China, particularly for Chinese Canadian entrepreneurs conducting business in Canada. The headquarter of CCBA is in Vancouver, B.C., Canada.
CCBA intends to bring Chinese Canadian entrepreneurs together and make full use of their competitive edges and comparative advantages, assist them in developing their business in Canada, and bridge a link for businesses between Canada and China to increase their exchange and cooperation and create more business opportunities for members.

Currently, CCBA's members were originally from mainland China, Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan and other countries and include many successful entrepreneurs who are in a variety of business fields. Some of the members have Ph.D. and Masters degrees. CCBA is a well-known society in Canada and plays an important role in the Canadian communities. Every year, CCBA actively hosts or participates in many events related to business, technology, culture and education exchange in the international, national, provincial, municipal and local community levels. Also, as a host organization, CCBA has invited many official and business delegations from the P. R. China and has been playing more and more roles in promoting the cooperation and exchange of economy and trade, investment, technology, culture and education between Canada and China.

CCBA welcomes those companies or business people who have a business in Canada and will accept the Articles of CCBA, participate in CCBA's activities and pay the membership fee. To join CCBA, every member requires at least one member referral or approval by the President of CCBA.

